
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Vineyard Song

It's been a busy couple of weeks in the garden, church and life.  In life, both of our kids graduating, Anna from Oxford College of Emory University and Thomas from Prague High School.  In church, we had four services on Easter beginning with a Sunrise service and finishing by hosting the Prague Ministerial Alliance Community Easter Service with nine congregations participating together and rushing to complete the re-carpeting project just in time to welcome our guests.  And in the garden, everything has moved through its first flush of flowers, creating the opportunity for many pictures and now the follow up care of deadheading and taking new cuttings. 

Here are a few pictures of Vineyard Song, one of Ralph Moore's shrub roses with miniature sized flowers.  Kim Rupert told me Ralph Moore nicknamed it "Bunch O' Grapes."  When he said that I kind of remembered that name from a Sequoia Nursery Newsletter or maybe even a catalogue. We can all be thankful that the name Vinyard Song was selected because it beautifully fits this rose. The rose has much to offer but its growth habit tops the list for me. So far it is a spreading plant about 2' x 3' in my garden (I think it will probably get 3' x 4'), with many clusters of small purple old fashion cupped flowers.  I don't care for the class "Shrub Roses" because it covers far too wide a range of roses, but we will live with it until (with time) we are better able to sort this group out.  Vineyard Song's habit reminds me of the better Polyantha roses.  Now to the pictures.


  1. That IS a nice looking rose, Rev. Does it rebloom?

  2. Very nice! I may have to find a spot of it in my garden.

  3. Hey Prof, Last year was the first full year I had with it, I planted it in 2009. I probably should start keeping records, but it gave me 3 or 4 big flushes of blooms. It was fun to watch it build up for the next big show.

  4. Holley, I think you would like this one. It is really a graceful rose.

  5. You rose guys...You're trying to suck me in..I do like shrub roses however..Nice bloom set for such a small rose. I guess. Does that sound like I know what I'm talking about. lol. Thanks Rev. I understand the busyness part of your life. My wife used to be a full time worship leader. Now she is a rose lover, especially "Just Joey". I can't seem to find a place for it!

  6. Another beauty, Scott. Impressive blog - will have to come back again. and again.

  7. Greggo, You are an expert! Roses are so beautiful you don't need us rose guys to sell you on them. Just listen to your wife (always good advice). Now about finding that space- I have yet to meet a gardener who could find a way to fit another plant in if they really wanted to.

    Rick, Thanks for coming by, you are always welcome.

    Sandra, Glad you enjoyed it and I always enjoy stopping by your blog.

  8. Vineyard Song is really beautiful, and not much talked about. Great post! And your pictures are really lovely.
