
Sunday, June 26, 2011

2011's New Roses Update (2-3 months after planting)

My last post on St. Swithun received a few comments about how big it was in just its second season.  That got me thinking that I should update this year's new roses a couple of times over the growing season.  I will start you out with a flower because there aren't very many in this entry.  You may wonder why I use the tomato cages.  It is simple, we have two Siberian Huskies who would unintentionally crush them before they got a good start.  Last year I had to cut a couple of cages up in order to remove them because the rose had grown up so much that I couldn't remove the cage without damaging the rose.
This is Siren's Keep, a shrub rose from Paul Barden.  As you can see, the color is a bit faded by our long 100+ degree days.  Still the flower has held up better than Tradescant, its grandparent's flowers which burn in the extreme heat.  So many of the Austin roses can't stand up to our summer sun and heat, so this is a hopeful sign to me. 

This is Linda Campbell a last minute addition to my Spring orders after reading Professor Roush's blog entry about the Ralph Moore Hybrid Rugosa.  If he was that excited about it I had to give it a try.  She was added to my order of Moore's Striped Rugosa which was still a couple of weeks from being ready to ship.  She looks happy and has sent out two new canes. 

Here is Moore's Striped Rugosa.  I am enjoying the crinkly rugosa leaves which are new to my gardening.  I have enjoyed seeing these leaves on plants but have never grown any rugosas until this Spring.
This young plant is from a cutting of Dublin Bay I took last year from my mother's plant.  I have always had high hopes for Dublin Bay but her plant never really turned into what I thought it would.  Maybe this one will do better.

This sprawling young plant is DayDream.  It has such a spreading habit which is one of the reasons I think of it as a Hybrid Musk.  It has sent out the longest growth of this year's new roses.

Here is another picture of Siren's Keep.  I am looking forward to seeing this one in the Fall when the sunlight is not quite so intense. 

I'm calling this one Lena's Gift.  Lena is a member of the church and she saw this rose while checking out at K Mart and just had to buy one for me and one for her.  Like so many miniature roses set up for impulse buys, it bore no name and had three very young plants in a small pot.  I separated the three plants, planted one at home and the other two at the Prague Rose Garden.  It has small pink/magenta flowers with 10-15 petals.  If you know what this rose might be, please, do tell.

This is Winsome, also a pink/magenta miniature rose but with larger fuller flowers.  I grew Winsome 20 years ago and it was a tall vigorous plant and was always in bloom.  We moved and I didn't replace it until this spring.

Here is Jude the Obscure.  I have always been drawn to pictures of this rose but have not grown it until now.  It is really taking off and I think this time next year will have built up to a good size. 

Last is the English Rose Charles Rennie Mackintosh and maybe the one I am most looking forward to.  It has the reverse breeding of St. Swithun so I am curious to figure out what similarities and differences the two have with each other.

Look for an update on all of these roses in another three months. 


  1. Had to come over and smell the roses - simply beautiful. Really liked your St. Swithun !

    The few roses I had have now been overrun by a couple of birch trees which I believe someone injected with tree steroids ! I do have a couple of climbers which are thriving - they`re nowhere near the birches.

    I've used soapy water on thrips and aphids - seems to do the job (but I'm no expert).

  2. This is a wonderful post. I have so much respect for Paul Barden, and his talents. Very much looking forward to this follow up.

  3. Thanks Rick, I always enjoy my visits to your blog. You really capture some amazing images. There are very few birch trees here, it's cedars we have to watch about taking over.

    Grouchy, Glad you like the post. Not many beautiful pictures though. I grow 5 of Paul Barden's roses and enjoy each one for their unique offerings. I appriciate his breeding strategies and think that his best roses are still to come. In twenty five years I think we will be surprised at the improved health we will see in our roses.

    Paul, if you are reading this thanks and don't feel too much pressure.

  4. Glad Linda Campbell has started to grow for you. Hope she takes the heat there as well as she does here!

  5. Prof, I'm glad I found your post about Linda. I's fun to give something a try and see where it takes you. What's lost if it doesn't do well? It actually looks like it is going to do quiet well. Thanks for pointing the way.
