
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Visiting the American Rose Society and Chamblee's Rose Nursery

Over Spring Break, Angie and I visited her father in Shreveport, Louisiana.  Not as exotic as Anna's trip to Budapest and Prague (Czech Republic not Oklahoma) or as fun filled (I don't want to know the details) as Thomas' trip to Panama Beach but we did manage to stop by the American Rose Society Center Garden just outside of Shreveport and Chamblee's Rose Nursery in Tyler, Texas.  It was early in the season for all the trimmed hybrid tea, floribunda, grandaflora, and miniature roses but we did find many of the untrimmed garden roses in bloom.  This entry will be a bit photo heavy but most will stay on the computer hard drive waiting for some appropriate entry.
I have often seen pictures of Rosa Banksiae Lutea or Lady Banks Yellow in bloom but have never in person.  The sight of Lady Banks Yellow at the beginning of her show was enough to make the whole trip worth while.
Each tiny flower is less than an inch in size with 25 plus petals and is beautiful on its own.
The headquarters for the ARS is set deep in the grounds and is lovely surrounded by the tall pines.  I had planned to renew my membership while on the visit but the doors to the center were locked.  I guess I could have walked around to the parking lot side of the building but at that point I was more interested in exploring the gardens. 
My favorite section of the gardens was one that featured many tea, noisette, and hybrid musk roses.  I have always thought that I would really enjoy growing some of the noisette roses because of their large size, growth habit and flower form but I think Oklahoma winters would just be a little cold for them.

It looks like the ARS Center must host a lot of weddings in the gardens.  Angie thinks I should look for a retirement position where I could officiate the weddings and tend the gardens in exchange for living in a small house on the grounds.
Here is Evelyn blooming in the English Rose section.  The English Roses were almost all six to eight feet tall, a height I do not mind but larger than many people like.
The Event Center and reflecting pool has chairs set up for what looks to be a small wedding. 
Our next stop on our trip was Chamblee's Rose Nursery. You only get one picture because I quickly became engrossed in the examining roses.  I was blown away by the quality, size and value of their own-root roses.  Their one gallon plants are significantly less expensive than the much smaller bands I have been ordering.  I think I will be moving them up to my first look when I'm ordering roses.  Just to let you know I was remarkable restrained.  I bought three roses.  I bought Tradescant to replace the one I lost to Rose Rosette Disease (in case the cuttings I took don't make it), William Shakespeare 2000 because I can not resist a nice red rose, and Penelope.  Angie kept saying we can come back next time we come see her dad.  That's not a bad compromise as he is a really good guy.


  1. That picture from Chamblee's makes my mouth water. I'll take your recommendation and move them up on my list as well.

  2. what fun...for a rose guy. lol.

  3. OH! I am so glad you got to combine a rose trip with a family visit.
    I would love to be able to do that.
    I have had success with Chamblees' roses; I like trading with them.
    Lady Banks roses are magnificent. My previous hometown of Sedona, AZ is gloriously filled with blooming Lady Banks roses each spring.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Prof, You would have loved their selection of Buck and Earth-Kind (you enviornmental softy) Roses.

    Greggo, You know us rose guys don't you. BTW, you look like you had a great time with your granddaughter in the garden. I'm sure she will always remember it.

    Sandra, It was a truly great trip. A big part of the trip was to repair Angie's Dad's back porch and rebuilt the steps. It was nice to be able to do something for him that he really needed. I have only grown repeat blooming roses recently so I would have excluded something like Lady Banks but Rogue Valley Roses mistakenly sent me Ralph Moore's Red Moss Rambler this year (and told me to just keep it) so I now no longer have that excuses.

  5. I love Chamblee's. Going there is pure delight! I have never been to the ARS garden, but have driven by there many times. Every time I drive by I say I'm going to stop. Maybe I will this year. That Lady Banks is magnificent!

  6. Chamblee's is quite a place! Would love to visit the ARS center and gardens one day. Glad you all got to see it!

  7. I have ordered many roses for my garden from Chamblee's. Love them. Thanks for sharing the beautiful photo's!

  8. Walking thru the David Austin section at Chamblee's smells divine.

    Their prices are very good. But a bit of a drive....
